Design for AM in Redistributed Healthcare

17th and 18th February 2022 (2pm – 4.30pm GMT)
The event will bring together the research communities from distributed manufacturing in healthcare and Design for Additive Manufacture to explore the synergies and opportunities for new, exciting research directions and applications that aim to address the future needs of healthcare. Distributed manufacture using Additive Manufacture processes offers potential new ways to reach patients, but requires a different mindset in product design to deliver products at scale. This event will explore how that mindset can be embedded into the product development process.
This joint event is hosted by the UK Design for AM Network and the Redistributed Manufacturing in Healthcare Network (RiHN) and supported by Loughborough University and Newcastle University.
This online event will include presentations from researchers and stakeholders currently working in redistributed AM for Healthcare and interactive discussion sessions that aim to identify the key Design for AM research challenges that will inspire new research collaborations.
Thursday 17th February 2.00pm – 4.30pm GMT (draft agenda)
- Introduction to the event, DfAM and RiHN
- Session 1: Requirements and Regulation for Redistributed Healthcare
- Ian Rees – MHRA
- Andrew Lamb, Innovation Lead – Global, Field Ready “AM in disaster relief’”
- Discussion on user needs, opportunities and challenges for DfAM
- Session 2: Design for Redistributed Manufacturing of Medical Devices
- Simin Li, Loughborough University “Development of a digital design and manufacturing workflow for personalised paediatric prosthetic sockets”
- Andy Gleadall, Loughborough University “Additive manufacturing of intricate personalised wound dressings”
- Discussion on opportunities and challenges for DfAM
Friday 18th February 2.00pm – 4.30pm GMT (draft agenda)
- Session 3: Design for Redistributed Pharma and Regenerative Medicine
- Dr Sheng Qi, University of East Anglia “Additive manufacturing of personalised medicine: Triangle dilemma of quality, cost & speed”
- Dr Laura Ruiz-Cantu, University of Nottingham “Ultrafast volumetric printing of wound fillings for immediate stabilization of soft tissues”
- Discussion on common problems, challenges for DfAM
- Session 4: Design Processes in Redistributed Healthcare
- Dr Jari Pallari, Taika3D “Delivering Design Automation for 3DP Foot Orthoses“
- Dr Abby Paterson, Loughborough University “Wrist splint design automation software case study “
- Dr Connor Myant, Imperial College London “The Mensura Mask Project: mass customisation of respiratory protective equipment during the COVID19 pandemic”
- Prof Dominic Eggbeer, Trinity Creative Ltd “Lead user design for performance adaptive cycling products“
- Discussion on common problems, challenges for DfAM
Online via MS Teams
17th to 18th February 2022