The launch event hosted an agenda of speakers and an introduction to the project and and overview of the Network.
Recordings of presentations:
Welcome and Opening address, Dr Patrick Pradel
“Design for AM – the key to the industrialization of additive manufacturing”, Prof Olaf Diegel, The University of Auckland
“The DfAM network opportunity”, Mr Andrew Triantaphyllou, The National Centre for Additive Manufacturing“
“DfAM networked for society!”, Alan Howard, Design and Manufacturing Lead, The Institution of Engineering and Technology
“Future of Making – Focusing on Generative Design”, Charles Jones, Education Manager, Autodesk
“EPSRC & Manufacturing the Future theme – An Overview”, Rebecca Cheesbrough, Portfolio Manager, Manufacturing the Future, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci
“DFAM in motorsports“, Pat Warner, ADM Manager, Renault F1
“Design challenges for producing 3D printed electronics systems“, Dr Robert Kay, The University of Leeds
Other EPSRC Networks – top tips on fast-tracking and achieving outcomes, Prof Kirill Horoshenkov, EPSRC Acoustics Network, Sheffield University, Sheffield